Döbling (XIX.)


Size in square kilometers:


Number of inhabitants:


Birth rate ratio 2003-2007:

-1.973 (Vienna: +2.980)

(Source: Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Wien 2009, p.395ff)
Educational level (2001):

27,2 / 31,6 / 19,4 / 21,8 (Vienna: 33,2 / 39,2 / 15,0 / 12,6)

(Compulsory school / apprenticeship + vocational school / high school diploma (A-levels) / university degree)
Percentage of inhabitants with migration background:


(Source: Statistic Austria, MA 5, City of Vienna)
Spread of mandates municipal council election 2005:

ÖVP: 20 / SPÖ: 16 / Grüne: 6 / FPÖ: 4
(of 46 Mandates)

Votes general election 2008:

27,2%: SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria
29,6%: ÖVP - Austrian People’s Party
15,9%: Grüne - Green Party
14,5%: FPÖ - Austrian Freedom Party
4,7%: BZÖ - Alliance for the Future of Austria
5,3%: LIF - Liberal Party of Austria
0,7%: KPÖ - Communist Party of Austria

(Source:Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs)
Number of offences 2008:


(Source: Federal Police Headquarters Vienna)
Rental prices per squaremeters (flats with 51-80 squaremeters):

14,09 €

(Source: aucon index)
Average annual net income per capita (2006):

23.716 Euro (Vienna: 19.290)

(Source: Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Wien p.184)
Number of registered unemployed persons 2007 (annual average):

Female: 784
Male: 1.075

(Source: Job Centre Vienna)
Number of normal jobholders:


Number of H&M Shops:


(Source: H&M branch network)
Number of food product markets:


(Source: www.wien.gv.at)
Number of bookshops:


(Source: buchkultur.net)
Number of cinemas:


(Source: www.stadt-wien.at)
Approximate number of art-galleries:


(Source: artmagazine.cc)



10/07/09 - 20:45


Döbling (XIX.) Gregor Mendelstrasse

Name: Sandi Kindermann

Age: 26

Occupation: medical student

title: ‘miss sunshine’

caught my eye: studded jacket

What are you wearing?

dress: stela mccartney

jeans jacket: h&m

shoes: london portobello market

sunglasses: london portobello market

bag: miu miu

By Marie-Thérèse Demblin de Ville

14/07/2009 - 18:05


Döbling (XIX.) - Krapfenwaldbad

Name: Ivan
Age: 27
From: Vienna
Occupation: Lifeguard
What are you wearing?
swimsuit: CMP
Your favorite fashion object?: just a t-shirt and a trouser
Do you prefere sex or fashion?: sex, of course.

By Salvatore Viviano

21/06/2009 - 17:39


Döbling (XIX.) - Reinischgassse 3

Name: Sissi Farassat

Age: 40

Rock: H&M

Ort: Heurigen

By Sissi Farassat

21/06/2009 - 17:37


Döbling (XIX.) - Reinischgassse 3

Name: Sissi Farassat

Age: 40

Rock: H&M

Ort: Heurigen

By Sissi Farassat

16/06/09 - 19:00

anna reiter by mddv 16/06/09

Döbling (XIX.) Salettl, Hartäcker Strasse

Name: Anna Reiter

Age: 20

Occupation: student

title: “admiral’s jacket”

caught my eye: yellow boots


What are you wearing?

blouse: lanvin

admiral’s jacket: rugby

shorts: cut-off jeans

belt: vintage argentinian marine office’s belt

silver necklace: tiffany’s & vintage

ring: grandma’s family jewels

kroko leather bracelet: ludwig reiter

watch: chanel

bag: ludwig reiter

scarf on bag: ysl

boots: ludwig reiter

By Marie-Thérèse Demblin de Ville