17/07/2009 - 16:45




Neubau (VII.) - MQ

Name: Victoria
Age: 17
From: Vienna
Occupation: high-school student
What are you wearing?
Shirt & skirt: D&G
Belt: Hugo
Bag: A-Wear
Shoes: Penny’s
What was the last item you bought? A blue dress
How much was it? 40€

By Yvan Rodic

18/07/2009 - 01:15


Leopoldstadt (II.) - Pratersauna, opening party

Name: Michael

Age: 19

From: Vienna

Occupation: fashion student

What are you wearing?

T-shirt: American Apparel

Bag: H&M

By Yvan Rodic

19/07/2009 - 16:07


Neubau (VII.) - MQ

Name: Cornelia
Age: 25
From: Vienna
Occupation: project manager in an advertising agency
What the hell are you doing with that animal head?
I bought it to decorate my agency.
What are you wearing?
T-shirt: Nümph
Stag: Buttlers
What was the last item you bought?
Blue jeans.
How much were they?

By Yvan Rodic

17/07/2009 - 13:25


Mariahilf (VI.) - MQ

Name: Nedra

Age: 26

From: Vienna

Occupation: fashion student

What are you wearing?

Shirt & trousers: H&M

Bag: vintage

Shoes: Spain

Necklace: mom

What was the last item you bough?

A dress with black/white flowers as a pattern

How much did you get it?


By Yvan Rodic

17/07/2009 - 15:30




Mariahilf (VI.) - Capistrangasse

Name: Sophie
Age: 26
From: Vienna but lives in Zurich
Occupation: fashion student
What are you wearing?
Dress: from my mom
Bag: from my mom
Shoes: from Topshop Dubaï
What was the last item you bought?
The shoes
For how much did you get them?
30 €

By Yvan Rodic