09/07/2009 - 18:54


Ottakring (XVI.) - Yppenplatz

Name:  Marion Angerer

Age: 32

Profession: Juristin

from: Vienna

Schmuck: Standl beim NUKE FESTIVAL

Oberteil aus Steyr

Leiberl: H&M

Hose: New Yorker

Schuhe: New Yorker

When did you buy the last item and how much did you spend for it?

2 weeks ago, 100.-

09/07/2009 - 18:53


Ottakring (XVI.) - Yppenplatz

Name: Isabell Hofer
Age: 33

Profession: Juristin

from: Vienna

Schmuck: swatch

Top: Esprit

Hose: Esprit

Schuhe: Esprit

When did you buy the last item and how much did you spend for it?

Yesterday, 50.-

09/07/2009 - 19:00


Ottakring (XVI.) - Yppenplatz

Ort: YPPIG, Yppenplatz 5, 1160 Wien

Name:  Roland


Kappe: MILCH

Hemd: H&M

Hose: Blaumax

Gürtel: Südtiroler Stretchgürtel

Schuhe: Lafuma Berglaufschuhe

When did you buy the last item and how much did you spend for it?

2 weeks ago, the trousers i wear, 25.-