Leopoldstadt (II.)
Size in square kilometers:
Number of inhabitants:
Birth rate ratio 2003-2007:
+701 (Vienna: +2.980)
(Source: Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Wien 2009, p.395ff)
Educational level (2001):
39,6 / 35,9 / 13,7 / 10,7 (Vienna: 33,2 / 39,2 / 15,0 / 12,6)
(Compulsory school / apprenticeship + vocational school / high school diploma (A-levels) / university degree)
Percentage of inhabitants with migration background:
(Source: Statistic Austria, MA 5, City of Vienna)
Spread of mandates municipal council election 2005:
SPÖ: 30 / Grüne: 12 / ÖVP: 9 / FPÖ: 8 / KPÖ: 1
(of 60 Mandates)
Votes general election 2008:
35,5%: SPÖ - Social Democratic Party of Austria
13,5%: ÖVP - Austrian People’s Party
19,8%: Grüne - Green Party
18,5%: FPÖ - Austrian Freedom Party
4,4%: BZÖ - Alliance for the Future of Austria
4,8%: LIF - Liberal Party of Austria
1,5%: KPÖ - Communist Party of Austria
(Source:Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs)
Number of offences 2008:
(Source: Federal Police Headquarters Vienna)
Rental prices per squaremeters (flats with 51-80 squaremeters):
11,45 €
(Source: aucon index)
Average annual net income per capita (2006):
17.458 Euro (Vienna: 19.290)
(Source: Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Wien p.184)
Number of registered unemployed persons 2007 (annual average):
Female: 1.636
Male: 2.664
(Source: Job Centre Vienna)
Number of normal jobholders:
Number of H&M Shops:
(Source: H&M branch network)
Number of food product markets:
(Source: www.wien.gv.at)
Number of bookshops:
(Source: buchkultur.net)
Number of cinemas:
(Source: www.stadt-wien.at)
Approximate number of art-galleries:
(Source: artmagazine.cc)
| Category: District, Leopoldstadt (II.) | Tags:
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