
After a running time of two months “The Vienna Fashion Observatory” closed as planned on September 20th 2009.

Over the 66 days of operation 359 individual observations on fashion and the city were accumulated by the 25 different bloggers, photographers, fashion-designers and artists that participated in the project. The exhibition-part in the Freiraum at the Museumsquartier in Vienna had 3811 visitors while the blog was visited by 41642 visitors from all over the world.

The Blog of “The Vienna Fashion Observatory” will stay online until further notice.


26/08/09 - 17:56


Innere Stadt (I.) - Kupferschmiedgasse

Name: Hae Min Kim
From: South Korea 
Occupation: student

By Yael Sloma

26/08/09 - 18:30


Innere Stadt (I.) - Kupferschmiedgasse

Name: Alexandra Shumilina
Age: 22
From: Moscow
Occupation: student

By Yael Sloma

14/09/2009 - 18:15



Neubau (VII.) - Neubaugasse

Name: Shanel
Age: 20
From: France
Occupation: Art-Student
What do you wear?
Most of the items are vintage.
What is your favourite film?
Freaks by Tod Browning

By Eszter F. & Andreas Köttritsch

19/09/2009 - 11:10



Leopoldstadt (II.) - Obere Augartenstrasse

name: michaela
age: 34
occupation: pr
dress : selfmade
necklace: jeweller 16th district
bracelet: promod
last item you bought?
shoes (gea)
how much do you spend for clothes every month?
50 - 150 euros

By Anne Feldkamp

18/09/2009 - 17:00



Leopoldstadt (II.) - Obere Augartenstrasse.

names: philip and raja
dress raja: dirndl salzkammergut (from altaussee`r dirndl tauschmarkt)
necklaces: selfmade
bag: from colombia
pendant: badger (”augartenspitzwiderstand”)
shirt philip: traditional costume from bratislava
pants: h&m
last item you bought?
black pants (philip)
how much do you spend for clothes every month?
…not much!

By Anne Feldkamp

16/09/2009 - 18:51

Michaela, Löwengasse

Landstraße (III.) - Löwengasse

Name: Michaela
Age: Too old to die young
From: Vienna
Occupation: Advertising manager & Fashion blogger
What are you wearing?
Skirt worn as cape: Claudia Rosa Lukas (Vintage)
Necklace: Fa Fa Fa
Jeans-Leggings: Goldsign
Boots: A.F. Vandevorst
What was the last item you bought?
Lambskin boots
How much money did you spend on it?
500 Euro

By Michaela Amort

16/09/2009 - 17:50


Wieden (IV.) - Karlsplatz

Name: Gregory
Age: 37
From: Budapest

By Carmen Rüter

22.08.2009 - 19:00


Mariahilf (VI.) - Barnabitengasse

name: Rosemarie
age: 25
Ich tanze gern im Kreis.

By Marie-Thérèse Jakoubek



Neubau (IV.) - Schottenfeldgasse

name: Mitewa
age: 52
Ich lache gern und viel.

By Marie-Thérèse Jakoubek